Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Winter Fruit Smoothie

I think that smoothies are a brilliant way to feed fruits and/or berries to babies, because if they are runny enough they will go through a sippy cup and if they are a bit thicker you can feed them through a straw. And at the risk of sounding like the world's worst mum- there are just some days that I don't have time to sit down and spoon feed mashed fruit to my baby and so a smoothie is a very quick and easy way to get those "2 magic pieces a day" into him!

Of course, you can make a smoothie out of lots of different fruits, but I chose pears and frozen berries today - because they are very healthy and are easy to find in winter. Pears are filled with fibre and berries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants

You can make your smoothie in the blender section of the Bébédelice, or you can just use a plastic container and hand held blender. Which ever is easiest and creates the least dishes has got to be the best I think.
Just take a ripe pear (peeled and quartered), a hand full of frozen berries and blend it together with some whole milk and a little honey (only after 12 months for some reason) for sweetness. Instead of adding honey, I sometimes use flavoured yoghurt which gives plenty of taste and makes it nice and creamy.
If you are confident that your baby does not have an allergy to nuts - it is excellent to add a tablespoon of almond meal to the smoothie as this will give him/her some important proteins. You can buy almond meal at the supermarket or health food shop
Smoothies are a great way to get your toddler eating fruit as well - so I always make a double serving and feed both of them at the same time.

If only I could find an easy way to get them to eat Brussel Sprouts :-) Any ideas??

Jennifer xx

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