Thursday, May 14, 2009

Food Safety Tips

Because we talked about chicken in our last post, I though it might be good to write something about food safety

Thanks to our good friend Leanne Cooper I have a great list that i thought would be valuable to share.

Food safety tips

§ Wash fruit and scrub vegetables before use or before refrigerating.

§ Use hot soapy water to wash your hands.

§ Use appropriate cutting boards. Wooden boards have been shown to be safest.

§ Take care when heating food in a microwave as there can be hot spots.

§ Don’t cross-contaminate foods i.e. raw meats, poultry or eggs should not be placed together.

§ Avoid using your fingers to handle food.

§ Keep hair away from food.

§ Reduce the food’s exposure to anyone who may be unwell.

§ Wash sponges in the machine or place in the microwave for two minutes and replace regularly.

§ If in doubt, discard food that is suspicious.

§ Reduce the exposure of air to stored foods by using airtight containers.

§ Don’t allow food to defrost at room temperature.

§ Never refreeze foods that have already been frozen.

§ Discard the uneaten remainders of meals.

That's all for tonight!!! Happy cooking!!

Jennifer x

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