Friday, May 15, 2009

Beetroot .... for babies?????

I am not sure if you are a fan of beetroot - but I really love it. There is just something about the color that makes me feel good about eating it. And yes - it stains everything it touches and I know - it comes in a can - but hey - surely something that purple has to be good for you???

Of course it is!!! Beetroot is one of the best dietary sources of folate; it's also a good source of vitamin C, potassium, manganese and fibre. Deep red varieties are also rich in anthocyanins, which may reduce cancer risk.

But can you feed it to babies?? Well ..... based on my research - the answer is yes - and it can be introduced from 8 months (some say 6 months but better to be safe than sorry I say!)
But be warned - what goes in comes out - and let me tell you....beetroot poo can be pretty scary so best make yourself a note so that you don't forget that you fed it to you baby when you open the nappy and almost have a heart attack when you see that it is purple!!!!
Purees containing beetroot should be pretty simple because the taste of the beetroot alone can be very satisfying for a baby. Maybe start by just cooking it together with some potato and chicken.
*Add 1 small potato and a small piece of chicken into the Bébédelice steaming basket.
*Pour 300ml water into heating chamber and cook as per product instructions
*When it is finished, tip 1 or 2 slices of tinned beetroot and the steamed potato and chicken into blender compartment and blend for 10 seconds or until smooth. *If smoother consistency required tip some of the captured cooking liquid in with the puree.
*Spoon a little into your baby’s bowl and serve lukewarm

You can always add some other veggies or apple to the puree - but I think that beetroot has a strong enough flavour that it is best prepared in a very simple way

As always - we would love to hear your thoughts - so if you have any great recipes that use beetroot - please let us know

That's all for now. Happy cooking!!

Jennifer xx

PS - just read that beetroot can even make a babies wee pink - WOW!!

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