Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is roast chicken a good choice?

Today I am writing about roast chicken because when my daughter was a baby we visited a great friend from Hong Kong who was feeding strips of roasted chicken to her 11 month old baby (and the baby was gobbling it up) and I thought - why have I never thought to do that?

Nutritionists recommend that we don't introduce white meat to babies before 8 months. The main concern is that their livers are not developed enough to digest the fat before that time

When we do introduce it - how much protein should go into a meal? According to leading child nutritionist Leanne Cooper, when first trialling a protein food, we should offer just a small amount (a few teaspoons) for the first 3–4 days to check for reactions. Once you know it is okay, an easy guide for how much protein your bub may need is to offer an amount that is about the same width and thickness as their palm. This is much easier than working out calories and grams.

If you are having Roast Chicken for your dinner (or you have some left overs) - here is an easy puree to make for your baby using the Bébédelice

Roast Chicken with Pumpkin, Potato and Broccoli

*Add a few broccoli pieces, one small potato and a few cubes of chopped pumpkin to the steaming basket
*Add 300 mls water to the steaming chamber
*Steam as per product instructions
*Tear off a few strips of roast chicken - making sure all skin and bones are removed and add to the cooked veggies - also adding a little of the cooking liquid if you want to make it more "runny"
*Blend veggies and chicken together - very well pureed for younger babies and more chunky for older babies
*Serve at room temperature

Roast chicken makes a great finger food as well. Just tear a bit of meat off (making sure all skin and bones have been removed) and put it in your babies hand so that they can have a good old suck on it.

Too yummy I say!

'till next time ...........................Jennifer x

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