Thursday, June 11, 2009

Supermarket Snacks

We have just received stock of a new product called the On-Tray that is a nifty little food container that snaps onto your shopping trolley at the supermarket. There is a video of a father using it at an American Supermarket that you can see on YouTube if you like (the link is but expect to be completely horrified by the amount of junk food he feeds to his children.

Which got me thinking about some healthier snack ideas for kids that could be good to use with this product.

But don't worry - this is going to be a complete "Carrot Sticks" free blog - because how come whenever we look for ideas on healthy snacks for toddlers - they always say "Carrot Sticks". I mean - yes of course they are healthy, but give me a break - whilst I occasionally might be able to coerce my toddler into eating some carrot - do you honestly think this is going to be the perfect healthy snack when they are surrounded by tasty treats at the supermarket?? I think not.

So let’s look at some healthy "ish" snacks that are definitely better than the junk in the lolly isle, but that you have a slight chance of getting your toddler to eat! I have just put one recipe and lots of little snack ideas this time.

APPLE ZUCCHINI CAKE (Please don't be put off by the ingredients - it is actually really really yummy).

4 lg. eggs 1 c. vegetable oil 2 c. sugar 2 c. peeled and grated zucchini, drained 3 c. unsifted flour 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. vanilla 1 c. chopped nuts* 2 1/2 c. peeled and chopped apples. Grease and flour tube pan. Beat eggs, add oil, sugar, zucchini and vanilla. Mix well. Sift together flour, soda, baking powder, salt and spices. Add to creamed mixture. Add apples and nuts*. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour 15 minutes.

* Note - just be careful about the nuts if your baby is little or if there is a chance of an allergy. They need to be very finely chopped if you do use them

Here are some easy to prepare snack ideas that are good to pack for the supermarket - thanks to the team at

Rice cakes lightly spread with ricotta or "light" cream cheese and vegemite or fruit spread.
Toasted muffin with a scrape of honey or fruit spread.
Slice of toasted wholegrain bread topped with ricotta cheese and fruit spread.
Microwaved pappadums.
Crispbreads with a low fat topping or plain biscuits.
Homemade muffins or buy a low fat muffin mix (check your supermarket).
Frozen banana (spear peeled banana with icy-pole stick and freeze) or other frozen fruit such as grapes, peeled orange or mandarin segments.
Fruit kebabs (skewer cubes of fruits on to bamboo skewers).
Raisin toast.
Crumpets with a scrape of margarine - try topping with tomato and cheese.
Pikelets with jam or honey.

There are lots of other great snack ideas on the kidspot website. I will add some more later as I am out of space here.......

Jennifer xxx

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