Monday, June 15, 2009

Is your baby a yoghurt monster?

Both mine are! Even when they don’t want to eat anything else, they will always eat yoghurt.

I love how easy it is but - I can’t believe how expensive packs of children’s yoghurt are.

I mean they are super convenient but when my kids are eating at least one a day - it gets pretty pricey.
And when I look at the sugar content of flavored yoghurt (I have read that some have as much as 50% sugar in them) I decided to try using natural yogurt with some pureed fruit instead.

Believe it or not - it worked!! I just bought a big tub of natural yoghurt and then steamed and pureed some apple in my Bébédélice - let it cool and mixed the two together. It was a big hit and it made me feel like a super mum to be feeding them something so healthy. I kept the left over pureed apple in the fridge for the next day.

Next I am going to try apricots, pears, peaches and berries. I think I will also put some fresh banana in and blend it up with the yoghurt in the blender bowl

Let me know if you have any other ideas. I would love to try them!

Maybe I will spend the money I save on something nice for me next time I am at the supermarket...... but probably not......

Good luck. Hope it works for you too!

Jennifer xx

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