Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Foods that are good for your babies teeth!

Hi everyone.
If your baby has started to get their first teeth - you might want to think about foods that are rich in calcium and Vitamin D because both these things are very good for keeping your babies teeth healthy. Of course there are all the other rules for caring for babies teeth - and you can find lots of information about that by following the attached link. http://www.babycenter.com.au/toddler/caringfor/teeth/

The Natural Academy of Sciences recommend that a 1 year old should have 5mcg Vitamin D and 500mg calcium a day. Some great natural sources of calcium are yogurt and green leafy vegetables; and of vitamin D is fatty fish such as herring (highest) salmon (middle) and tuna (lowest) according to the websites that I have read. Vitamin D is absorbed through the skin via sunlight - and so it is during the winter months that it is important to make sure it is part of your diet.
Here is my suggested "teeth strengthening" recipe
1 x small fillet of Australian Herring (Tommy Rough) with the skin removed - be careful as it does smell very very fishy and so will stink up your kitchen
1 x good sized piece of broccoli (just flowers as stalks take longer to cook)

1 x good sized piece of cauliflower or squash
Add 200lms water to the Bébédelice
Cook as per instructions
Allow food to cool and then add a nice sized dollop of natural yoghurt just prior to blending.

How healthy does that sound??
I have some other recipes in mind so promise to write again very soon

Jennifer x

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