Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Potato Heads

Hi - sorry I didn’t post a blog last week. Life just got on top of me and I didn’t get a chance to sit down with my computer. But I promise to write 2 this week - just to make up for my tardiness :-)

I just started thinking about our good friend the potato - because I heard from someone that many babies go through a stage when they only want to consume things that are white "ish" - e.g. milk, chicken, rice, pasta, cheese, yoghurt, potatoes etc so I thought I would look into whether or not potatoes are actually good for you (Hey - generations were raised on them in Ireland and Europe so must be ok - no??)

Thanks to my favorite website (fresh for kids) I have found out why potatoes are very good to eat. Contrary to popular belief they are not at all fattening. You would have to eat almost 4kg of potatoes in a fairly short period before your body would convert their carbohydrate into fat. It’s only when they are made into chips, fries or crisps, or served with sour cream, butter or margarine that they become potentially fattening. They are an excellent source of vitamin C. They also provide some niacin, potassium and dietary fibre. They are a good source carbohydrate (starch), which gives energy for physical activity, as it’s broken down quickly to glucose.

And great news for mums; they make an excellent first food for babies (as the taste is not strong and they puree very well)

Here is my suggested recipe for a winter veggie puree

1 x potato (peeled and chopped)
1/2 sweet potato or a small piece of pumpkin (peeled and chopped)
1 handful of frozen peas
1 small piece of meat - around 30gms (beef, lamb or chicken-what ever you have available)

Pop them all in the Bébédelice with 300mls of water and cook as per the directions

Transfer into blender with a small knob of butter and puree as per baby's taste

Cool to room temperature and serve

Easy, cheap and yum. Should go down a treat with your little one

Hope you are all keeping warm over winter. Until next time…………

Jennifer xx

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