Friday, July 24, 2009

What to do if your baby is choking.....

We were at a party on the weekend and my 18 month old son got into the peanut bowl when I wasn't looking - so I thought I better update myself on first aid tips for a choking baby.

Obviously, I know it would have been better if I had not let him near the peanut bowl at all - but I don't have eyes in the back of my head (unfortunately) and he is super fast - which I know is how most accidents happen.
I found some great advice with diagrams on the website that I thought I would share with you.

What to do if your baby is choking

Dislodge the blockage

• Hold your baby so that he is lying face down along your forearm with his head lower than his body and his back and head supported.

• Use the heel of your hand to give up to five back blows.

• Check your baby's mouth and remove any obvious obstructions. Do not use your finger to sweep inside his mouth - this could push the obstruction further into his throat.

• If your baby is still unable to breathe, turn him onto his back and give up to five chest thrusts:

• Use two fingertips to push inwards and upwards (towards his head) against his breastbone, one finger's width below his nipple line.

• Try to dislodge the object with each thrust. Don't automatically do all five.

• Check your baby's mouth after each thrust and remove the obstruction. If the obstruction does not clear after three cycles of back blows and chest thrusts, call an ambulance immediately and continue giving your baby back blows and chest thrusts until help arrives.

If the baby is unresponsive and does not have a pulse (heaven forbid) you would need to start CPR. I wont put all the information about how to do this on this post but the link to the website is below and you can see pictures and clear instructions on this web page.

I sincerely hope that none of us ever need to use this advice, but figure, it is better to be prepared in the case that we do..............

Jennifer x

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